NORM's logo i en rund skæv form med gradient farver af mørkeblå og lyserød og med teksten Norm Critical Consulting


We offer a wide range of inspiring lectures filled with eye-opening facts and relatable practical examples. Our lectures can always be tailored to your context - contact us.


Here is a list of some of the topics that we have a lot of experience with:


  • Norm critical thinking 101
  • Diversity & inclusion in the workplace
  • Inclusive leadership
  • Minority stress and microaggressions

  • Psychological safety

  • Intersectionality
  • Consent and sexual harassment
  • Unconscious bias

The lecture from NORM gave us concrete tools and a new common language."

- Samantha Foltmat

Social Media Lead, TV2 ZULU

NORM are good at getting to the core in a manner that creates trust, provides new insights and at the same time is thought-provoking and practically applicable."

- Jan Holmquist

Founder, Holmquist Consult

The lecture gave us lots of things to think about and made us eager to do more about our culture."

- Sofiie Emilie Andersen

Creator & project manager, Drive Studios

Other clients who bought this:

The professionalism was top notch as NORM delivered well-crafted content, with a solid combination of both facts and humour.

Anders Berthelsen

Program manager, Akademikernes A-kasse