NORM's logo i en rund skæv form med gradient farver af mørkeblå og lyserød og med teksten Norm Critical Consulting


As workshop facilitators, we focus on creating reflective and conversation-starting spaces. We involve the participants in an engaging way, so that everyone gets the opportunity to explore norms and gain further insight into how an increased awareness of blind spots can create more inclusion in their specific context.


You are always welcome to contact us if you want to know more or have specific requests.

Post its
NORM workshop 1
NORM workshop 2

Our norm-critical workshop has really kick-started our thinking, broadened our horizons and strengthened our ability to see perspectives beyond our own needs and status quo. We look forward to continue working with the concrete tools that NORM have given us."

- Rikke Højris Bæk

Sustainability Manager, Matas

We can highly recommend NORM! They manage to create a safe, reflective and inclusive space to work with what is difficult for many to talk about. We have gained new insights, understanding and a common language to be able to continue working with the changes we want to see (...)"

- Christine Bruun

Head of the Central Library and Program Manager for 'Kultur for alle'

Other clients who bought this:

NORM are able to hold the space for non-judgmental and free conversations about topics that have big emotions as well as dilemmas at stake.

Anne Sandberg Holm

Chief consultant, Væksthuset